Feb 10, 2020 | Blog, Latest News, Tips for parents with young children
When we shout and they listen, have we been successful?….it worked When we use fear and we get them to do what we want without a fuss, have we been successful? It is always a good idea to think about the long term outcome before we use discipline strategies. Our...
Jan 5, 2020 | Blog, Latest News, Tips for parents with young children
Goals are a way to instil your family values so that it develops from within your children rather than you telling them what to do. How can we break goals down to make it easy to implement with our children at home? Goals can be simple conversations!! It is a process...
Dec 21, 2019 | Current Workshops, Latest News
BOOK NOW How to truly influence your children in your day to day interactions Are you having difficulties getting your children to listen? Have you ever wondered if you were parenting your children the way they need it? Do you ever feel guilty when parenting your...
Dec 20, 2019 | Current Workshops, Latest News, Tips for parents with young children
BOOK NOW How to truly influence your children in your day to day interactions Are you having difficulties getting your children to listen? Have you ever wondered if you were parenting your children the way they need it? Do you ever feel guilty when parenting your...
Nov 28, 2019 | Current Workshops, Latest News
Building your child’s emotional intelligence is the most important thing to do!! It determines their happiness and success Join me for a one hour FREE interactive Parent Talk on how to develop yourchild’s emotional intelligence in your day to day interactions with...